Monday, November 2, 2009

Jonathan Recommends: Warcraft Legends Volume 1

World of Warcraft are three words that usually evoke images of individuals sequestered in a dank basement who have been sitting in front of a computer for the past week.

Not only is that stereotype completely false but what if I told you there is much more to Warcraft than being a highly successful Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game. It has its own mythology of heroes and villains, victory and defeat, romance and heartache.

Legends is the first of a new series sharing these stories. It picks up where the Sunwell Trilogy left off and then continues in new directions.

The separate stories in this manga provide a glimpse into the greater world of Azeroth and serves as a nice starting point for anyone wanting to get their feet wet in the pantheon of Warcraft tales.

The black and white artwork matches the look and feel from the game and other Warcraft properties (comics, collectible card game, and collectible miniatures game) while allowing the artists to shine.

It is a fun read appropriate for older teens and above.

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